Tuesday, May 11, 2010

my dinner

Tuesday, May 11, 2010
day 277

It was around 10:00 pm, I guess, when I finished I wasn’t tired, though, so I looked out the window for a while. It wasn’t sandstorm any more, but once in a while you could hear a car somewhere passing along the road.

I feel hot. I grab my towel and have some shower to refresh myself. I felt my stomach hungry, I wasn’t eating heavy meal since in the morning, I just ate egg sandwich and milk on my breakfast. I ate burger and fries on the afternoon. I know it was less but my tummy feels full, so there is no reason to eat more while I'm full. So I decided to have my dinner when I felt hungry.

I went to the restaurant and i order some heavy meals for me, i ate steam fish with mayonnaise, and vegetables, one soft drink and water… it seems that my mouth needs to taste the juicy of the steam fish… wow…hmmpp ... taste... delicious... I guess.. I will need more rice....

my mood: 3.5/10.


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