Sunday, February 28, 2010


Sunday, February 28, 2010
Day 203

I really don’t know what happen to our world today, something quite strange is goin on, they said that global warming isn’t real, it was a scam. But I don’t know why this things happening, anyway I just wanna keep my prayers to all men, women and children’s that have been hit by these natural calamities.

first this year was Haiti. Now, Chile and Hawaii are in trouble. I will extend my prayer for those people who has lost their love ones, May the Lord protect the men and women in these troubled times and help the families to heal the wound from their heart.

I hope it’s not yet a sign for the revelation that has been written in the bible.

my mood: 2.6/10.


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This is very interesting. Thanks for sharing this one. We still need to be brave for us to survive.

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