Friday, February 5, 2010


Friday, February 5, 2010

I’ve reached a milestone in my lives, and I don’t know how I’m supposed to feel about it but I didn’t think the feeling would be like this! I have a bright future ahead of me, good enough to support my needs. Why do I feel like the world suddenly got a lot darker?”

I just feel like something’s missing. I’ve spent the past ten years or so thinking I would never make it and now I’m here. So what do I do now? How am I supposed to deal with this feeling? I’ve lost something. I’ve lost it and I don’t know what it is, and I can’t get it back.

the diner was empty…
It’s not about finding what i’ve lost, it’s about understanding why I’ve lost it. I don’t know if I'm right. I’ve reached a milestone, and i’ll reach others after this. But there’s no need to feel overwhelmed. There’s still hope in the world and i need to realize it.

Sure, i’ve lost something. i’ve lost my childhood, and I'd  lost some friends, and I am leaving behind the current way of life for something good for me and it’s not probably confusing to me and that doesn’t mean the world is dark. It just means that i’ve got to adjust a little.

And never forget that I lost it.

I smiled. “And never forget that I’d lost it.” i will be back.

My mood: 3.5/10.


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