Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy valentines!

Saturday, February 13, 2010
Day 190

Tomorrow, valentine’s day, lovers are happy for the reserved rooms they made. Well! you can imagined the places inside the room.. wow magnificent right?!…its selectable at the reception... its awesome… solo, alone.. private just for lovers. and it just around the corner, just drive in… turn left… done..!

spending time for whom you love, wow, nice one… a moment to spent… memories to look back… perhaps it live traces from the past… happiness could look back… well nice memories… I'm happy for those people who found love and be loved….

But.. Whew!...well another year spending moments alone… very alone… broken hearted…. However, Love is a blessing and if you've found it cherish it and take care of it because now days is really hard to find good kind of love. Handle with care…

So and for all of you that are like me single on this day don't lose hope there will be another valentine days its not end of the world yet just be prepared and there will be someone special for you...right? well let’s not lose hope and just have faith that somewhere around the planet... there's your other half looking for you just as you are waiting and looking for the one for them.

my mood: 1.5/10.


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