Wednesday, February 17, 2010

and you whisper

Wednesday, February 17, 2010
day 194

Every day is full of passion, seeing you is worth living, dreaming about you is not ordinary task. Anyhow, I dreamt that you’re dragging me along to the isles of happiness and I see you smiling looking at me.

I asked you, “when you will marry me”… you just take a deep breath and you whisper… “I love you” and you gave me a sweet smile and a hard hug... seeing you happy Is my passion.

you said I'm yours forever, nobody could touch me but only you. you sealed me with your love and cares… and declared that you own me forever… but then when I asked you… “when you will marry me?” you just take a deep breath and you whisper… “I love you” and you gave me a sweet smile and cuddle me around… and i see you happy, I feel complete.

the air was cold and where both dancing in the pouring rain thinking that the happiness would never ever last forever, and believe for the gift of love will never last. but then i asked you one more time “when you will marry me?” you just take a deep breath and you whisper… “I love you” and you gave me a sweet smile and you hold me tight… and i see you happy, I feel your comfort.

but suddenly i saw you crying...and vanished.. .. my heart left broken into the pouring rain.

I woke up, my eyes are weeping ,.. it’s only a dream...

Anyway, I wish I never wake up and let me love you fully and never give up to fight. Let me drown you in my love forever. Let me show you how much I love you… I know love is a tricky thing but I will do the risk.

my mood: 1.2
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