Friday, February 26, 2010

In my room

Friday, February 26, 2010
day 202

Friday, house works, nothing change for my Friday routine, it was same old days, I just only doin house works, wash my laundry and take some nap, have some chat for a while.

sitting here tonight, I'm always alone in my room, listening to my tutorial, sometimes I really need to upgrade my skills.. anyway, again I begin to wonder if I am trully living my life to the fullest. I'm not hanging out with my few good friends outside…. i need to be alone for sometimes.. or enjoying myself alone time in my room?I need to move forward, i don’t want to be alone forever...

I try to make the best of every situation and I always look for the best in every situation and the best in people, but is that really enough I know its not enough, and I am very satisfied with my life as it is right now, I cant turn back time.

There have been times when I have allowed myself to cross that line and do something totally outside my comfort zone and everything has worked out fine in the end, but will it always be that way? or if I am just fine staying here at home.

The life and the culture in here is really big different. However, I feel fine staying here when I am at home,and I don’t care if I missed something if I'm not outside.., I am more safe here in the room.. no regrets…

My mood: 1.5/10.



if your alone you can think everything about what to do and make life more meaningful.
god bless you(",)


yes, you are right. but sometimes, i feel sad and low. anyway thanks.

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