Sunday, August 23, 2009


Sunday, August 23, 2009
Day 20 - part 2

i should not keep myself from overreacting to my own emotions. I have to fight myself to stop reading between the lines. I am great at fill in the blanks, usually with the wrong word! My imagination should really be put to better use. Must find my gift. I need to keep my hands busy so my mind will stay here closer to the ground. I believe I have taken enough time off and I am recharging my batteries.

Stepping away is not the worst kind of defense mechanism, it might be the best for me. I am starting to understand I can only take so much emotionally and then I just need to back up, hibernate, refresh. I do not need to tackle it all at once. I need to breathe and give problems their own breathing room. I do not need to fix everything. At least not all at once.

My mood: 7.0/10


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