Saturday, September 19, 2009

No team work

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Day 46 – part 2

Tonight, I am tired and disappoint because we lose the game in the first round, Now i can see that my team can’t win and can’t move forward to the finals. and i am not happy about the game the team was played, that if you ask me. I'm not excited. It’s really bad performance. I know it will going to be happened for what I’d been predicted before. I know the team will not gonna be win if There was no team work from the team mates… it’s really sad…

Actually, I know that things are never going to be the same for what I have planned with the game because in the first quarter. the first five line-up was not a good match, that’s why they lead all the first quarters up to the last quarter of the game. I’m just feeling sad…

anyway, we will have more games to come… I hope next time we will do the effort for winning.

My mood: 6.2/10


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