Monday, September 14, 2009

Uniform distribution

Monday, September 14, 2009
Day 42 – part 2

Last night, I don’t have that much to write but I figured since I’m sitting in my quite room not really doing anything, I would take up a few minutes to write down a few things, trying to think.

then I just went up to have my dinner, i really felt hungry. next still hanging out with them, having a blast, doing fun things. then, i walked back into my room and I’ve been writing again. I had some stories I’ve started which is bad and good all at the same time. Good because if I get bored with one I can move on but bad because there’s so much I have floating around in my head and not enough time to write it all down before it takes off.

Anyway, tonight we were having distribution of uniforms at the camp 7:00 PM and I will collect three uniforms at the same time, indeed. I hope tonight they will ask me if we will having practice after distribution, just a preparation for the opening game on Friday, September 18 2009.

Well I’m off, I got some things to do and some ideas in my head. I’ll try and post things more often but I haven’t really had time.

My mood: 7.2/10


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