Tuesday, September 15, 2009

What a long day..

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Day 43 – part 2

Wow, What a long day at work because I did some work but not enough to make a lot more money if you know what I am talking about, I am just a normal person having a monthly salary… and I will get married next year that’s why I need mo money…

I just wish that things would be a lot more better than anything but I guess that I am wrong. I just wish that this job that I have would pay more but I am going to have to work my ass off if you know what I am talking about and I miss my wife that I do talk to through phone and sometimes by email. I just really love her, I can’t live without her.

I just know that I have so much thinking to do but I guess that just me and how I do things in life. So I am just thinking how much fun life would be without the drama and stress. I am happy that my wife always understands me whatever my moods are going crazy.

I just know that things are never what i want it to be but i guess i have to move on with life and just to know that everything is going to be alright in the long run if you know what i mean and i am always thinking about what i want in life. So i have thought a lot about this but i have so much to give and enough is enough because i have feelings. I live a life that never going to give me what i really want in life but i have learn that you have to work for what you want in life.

Actually, I just don't want to get in involved in other people problems because i have my own to figured out and i am never sure how it's going to turn once i have it all thought out and everything and i am hurting more than you know and i am just hoping that i can finally be happy once again in life and everything.

I just don't want to forget all the things i do have in life and i am happy that i finally have the one person that really wants me in her life and everything and i am happy to have her. I just know that i am going to be a lot more happier that if i finally have things right where i want and i am not going to give up on anything anymore. I really thought that i had everything but now i know that i really do and that makes me happy.

My mood: 7.2/10


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