Saturday, September 5, 2009

The key

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Day 33-part 3

Sunday Scribblings #179 - Key

The prompt this week is: key. What is the key to your problem? The key to your heart? Who is the key member of your group? What key on your ring is the most important? What key does the music in your head play in? What is the key issue that is the problem today? Do keys jingle? Do you lose your keys? What do you think of: key.

Double hands on my chin, my eyes looking closely for the prompt “key”, I scratched my head.

this is what i think of the key.....

The sun’s bright light was overshadowed by the heavy dark gray cloud in a seconds and then darkness scattered all over the place, the roaring sounds of heavy thunderstorm casted down in the beautiful cities built by men for thousands of years, the wind Screams drifted from the northwest and southeast, then began to blow the disturbing power all over the place and disrupted the quietness of the sea, But the weather satellite cannot explained what happened, nor sign of a scientific analysis has been made by NASA, Then Suddenly the cloud began to unload the severe storm on the planet.

The hole from the heaven was opened and there descended an unearth object that came out from the portal covered by a scarlet glowing fires from a distance and Scorching the sky with its red light. Then all of a sudden, the wide silence of the deserted land disturbed by the object that came from heaven to earth is like a meteor smashed heavily stronger than the atom bomb dropped in the Hiroshima. It’s like a giant invincible hand that smashed on the land. The Earth was shaken hard, the mankind was terrified, the scary moments of their lives that seemed to be the end of human civilization.

Meanwhile, the cloud of black dust, smothers the skies, A speck of light from the land covered it. The shadows of man came out from a gist of dust, the man of my dream has arrived. he has the most beautiful eyes that I have ever seen. he walked towards me shadowing behind him glowing As bright as the sun, the huge wings was spreading above with an angelic feather.

I closed my eyes as tears fell down my cheek. How can it be that his right here with me? The angel of heaven holding me tight. And on his right hand, He is holding the key to solve the unfold secret of the universe, he holds the key of wisdom to protect the earth from all other forms of nonhuman civilization, he holds the key that god made men by his own likeness. The angel has a glorious power and strength to protect human to live on earth and to avoid the fate the earth was about to fall in into the dark hands of the advanced civilizations lives light years far beyond our earth solar system.

My mood: 7.2/10
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