Sunday, November 22, 2009

buying gifts and dresses

Sunday, November 22, 2009
Day 109

My day started out okay, I guess. I woke up around 5:30 am. And I just laid in bed and watching her sleeping until about 5:45 am, I didn’t even notice that I would be late for my work, jeez. I was just laying there thinking, about how much my life has been changing through the past couple of months. It's crazy how it works and I am improving a lot these days, I have my life planned out.

I remember how when I was in vacation, with my baby, we decided that we were going to get engaged and then stay engaged for a while. After that in the third quarter of 2010 we were going to get married….. Wow. Amazing, but that was our plan. And I told her that she was doing great. because she has started buying some gifts and dresses. And the day was running so fast and it seems like as if we know for a fact that we were going to be together that long, sounds okay to me.

My mood: 1.9/10.


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