Thursday, November 12, 2009

The interview

Thursday, November 12, 2009

I turned around one last time to take a look in the mirror. This is the first job interview and I am nervous to the point of shaking; every hair has to be in place. i stands in front of the long mirror above the sinks, watching my appearance. then, I went back to the reception, waiting for my name to be called.

The interviewer looked up from the resume and she asked, "Jeremy?" I nodded. "Sit down Jeremy." The interviewer motioned to a leather armchair in front of his desk . "can I call you jerry. My cousin’s named is Jeremy, and he likes to be called jerry."

"it’s fine, if you love to call me jerry," I said.

"I see," she replied. she looked back down at the resume.

“well, jerry you didn't mention what college you attended. “ she asked.

“is it required?” I said.

“of course, if you need the job.” She replied.

”Why?“ I asked.

“ Don't ask questions. That's how the system works. “ she clarify.

“Why does it matter? I'm applying for... “ she interrupted me…

“Don't ask questions. “ irritated.

“ It's a college in Mindanao. I only came to Manila just a few months.”

“ The college's name, Mr. Jerry.” She asked, with a high tone.

“Mindanao College of abbu sayyaf” I said.

“I've never heard about it. Are there...” she said.

“darling, It's in Mindanao, you know... with abu sayyaf on the hood..” my voice was a bit rude.

“any people still waiting outside?” she punched a button on the speaker-phone

“But I can show you my grades... or a sample of my work... or.. just give me a try…” i speak with a low tone.

“please bring the next applicant please “ talking to speaker phone.

“I can get some more information about the college, or... “ i continued, but she cut it.

“don’t let them wait please, where is the next applicant?!” she shouted.

“ I can call my college dean department “ my voice was harsh.

“This interview is over. You need a college to get the job.” shouting.

“ To be a Dishwasher? “ grrrrr.

I turned back and headed to the main door, I am upset, really, really upset.

"Madam, you don’t know how much this job means to me" i reached at the back of my pants, I pulled out a .357 Magnum and aimed it steadily at his forehead. "You will give me the job, Or I will pull the trigger?!” I am cool and smiling gracefully.

she smiled broadly showing her teeth. "I like your style, Jeremy. Congratulations. she leaned forward and hit the button on the speaker-phone. "Karen, politely tell the other prospective to fuck off. We have our man."

my mood: 1.9/10.


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