Monday, November 16, 2009

The Oracle - 2012

Monday, November 16, 2009

I am following the dooms day 2012, as well as Nostradamus lost prophecies the oracle, i had a big talk about religion the other day at the DVD store. it started bcuz i brought up that movie that's coming out next month about 2012, so I am really wanted to watch how it really happens. So i had told the man, selling Dvd’s i really wanted to see it and when i explained to him what it was about he was like no, that's not gonna happen.

something big might happen in 2012 but it won't be the end of the world. he said there are signs in the Koran that let you know when the end is coming. he said yes, the end times have started but he didn't believe it would be 2012. he said one of the big signs of the end was that the sun will rise in the opposite direction then it usually does and i said well yeah, the whole big thing about 2012 is that the sun will be in the center of the galaxy so its thought that it will cause a bunch of different natural disasters and actually it makes sense to me that it could actually rise in the other direction. Anyway I don’t want to come on in details discussion it is not good to talk.

However, The expected end of the world catastrophe is coming on December 21st, 2012 at 11:11pm. Years ago that was in the far distant future. Now its right around the corner. What is it with that date that so many ancients prophesied that the world would end then?

2012 has been a superstition to be the "End of the World" in many cultures around the world. One of the major evidence to be found is from the writings of the Mayan culture. The Mayans were brilliant artist of studying astrology and predicting events around the world. For some reason their calendar seems to end in the year 2012 A.D. which has brought up many suspicions. Are you ready for a major catastrophic event if it was to happen in your local area or to your family?

But here's another side of the story most don't tell - The long-count calendar was one based upon the 26,000 year precession of Earth's axial wobble. They divided the 26,000 year processional cycle into 5 Ages of about 5,125 years each. This is the age which comes to an end 2012. This is not the end of their calendar any more than our calendar ends in 2007. In 2013, the next Age begins and will last 5,125 years in the same way that our Gregorian calendar will go to 2008. The Mayan calendar is further subdivided into tuns, baktuns, etc the same as we divide ours into months and weeks....

So as of now there is ZERO evidence that the ancient Maya predicted the end of the world in 2012. Because again the Mayan calendar does not END in 2012.

So is DOOMSDAY-2012 a fallacious construct, a projection of exploitative and under-informed writers? A huge publicity campaign has begun for Hollywood's 2012 catastrophe movie, to open November 13, 2009. Is this Hollywood appropriation of 2012 mere harmless entertainment? At the very least, this entertainment comes at a price, and that is: the complete and utter misrepresentation of what 2012 meant to the creators of the 2012 calendar.....

Is this just a scare tactic and another easy way to make $millions$....?

So now what............? Do we await to further find out hidden truths behind ancient calendars or writings carved into a cave wall?

Decide to run downstairs in our basements before 11:11pm with all our survival needs, or simply live as if you were to die tomorrow anyways........?

Better ask the oracle.

my mood: 2.5/10


George S Batty

Old Grizzz has alread lived through at least 5 "end of world events" Can't wait for the next one. It is very exciting to here the "Oracles" explain how there prayers saved the world at the last minute.


For as long as I can remember we've been living in the 'end days'. It's all interesting to read, but I have no desire to see the movie. :) Excellent post!


Hehehe! I have a book - a catalog - of major end of the world predictions: 212 of them! OMG! 212 is one digit away from 2012! . . . (1989 edition)

Remember how the world was going to end in 2001 because "experts" said Nostradamus' predictions ended then?...;) Now, it seems he's writing sequels!

It's fun to track the 2012 EOTW hype, with all its fudged and manufactured evidence! Oh yeah! I'll see the movie...might even buy it if it's silly enough.

I'm happy to see you put a skeptical eye on it.

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