Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Promises are made to be broken

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
I'm trying so hard to let go of my feelings.....I'll still be mourning for the broken promises she gave me...I actually believed it... I know we all hear this line,.. when she said " I promise, I'll never hurt you...I mean it, i love you." i believed with those line.

I actually believed it when she was always telling to me with emotion with strong feelings, basically you will believed that she's sincere. then she said, "You'll never loose me. Never ever. I'll never leave you." Everytime I recall her words my hearts squezzing, i cried, even now as I type...yet I can't stop thinking off of those words

she told me, "Promise me that no matter what difficulties, what challenges, we will still get married" this line is cool...!

and again she said "i promised".

But how you will marry her, if she has been dating with someone else?,

breaking their own promise to you? How would you marry her if she's telling a lies from you? and how you will believed on her?

i had tried to break her up but shes coming back to me..and i still believes that she's cheated on me..... yet he will do it again and again...

i know she will break her promises in due time, i know she cant resist with it, she will look for a new one.. if she's not being satisfied...

but to me, i will never going to make another promises unless it's to the person I actually do love and marry...until then.

I never want to hear another promises ever again......never again

because sometimes i am scared that maybe i might be stupid enough to believe in her with all my heart.......... then finally at the end i will pick up the broken pieces of my heart.


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