Tuesday, October 20, 2009

my life has been slice

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Day 78

another page of my life has been slice. So here I sit and I am writing, which is something I love to do but have not really got the guts to just let it flow. I always think about what mistakes I have made or how I could make any improvements on the piece that I had written or perhaps something that my life will go out straight into good. So then I thought, really, if somebody ever happened to read this I wouldn't have to see them or even interact with them.

The glory of internet anonymity grants me the power of invisibility. I can write blogs that are bad and suck or I could write ones that are clear and concise. I realize that similar to my habit of leaving voicemail messages too fast for the recipient to understand, I have an uncanny ability to just drone on and on switching from topic to topic with no real logic or purpose.

Having no real purpose gives me the freedom to write as I please. I am not going to start off with a plan or a strategy. I am just going to let it run. But for now I have a table to move and a file of paper works to be done. I will write later when I have the ability to control my wandering mind.

My mood: 2.2/10


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