Tuesday, October 27, 2009

so much to read

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
day 84

I got a lot of books into my shelf, I never got around to finished it, everything seemed in its proper place but sometimes I put my heart to read five to six page every night.

then I used to bookmark it so I’ll come back to it later when I am ready to read in another night. So when I set the book down for the night my heart always stayed with it tucked neatly in the pages reading All over to finish it.

The wonderful things about the books that I read so far, is about the story, I loved the story, the characters the words, the thoughts and feelings it seems like you are watching movies in your mind vision, and sometimes I found myself I am catching my breath. sometimes reading books can changed my mood, if i dig my mind into the book i forgot what's happening around me, i couldn't stop reading.

my mood: 2.1/10


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