Sunday, October 11, 2009

Half dead

Sunday, October 11, 2009
Day 68 – part 2

Since morning, I'm not feeling well.. i’m panicking so bad. I can’t breathe. I can’t eat. I can’t think, I can't work ol’day. Why I am always in pain? I thought that pain reliever it might work in feelings and emotions but I was wrong. only the chocolates perhaps i know it might work to forget every things,

I am in my quite room, I am lying half dead, I'm living in hell... I think? I have no energy to feel any emotion. I feel like my soul is already dead, but somehow my body continues to make its motions. I'm completely exhausted physically and emotionally. I can't even think.

Perhaps I should take one of my chocolates. They usually give me a little energy at least. I want someone to come pick me up and help to get to "happiness". I hope there Is one.

Everyday now I just wish a pack of chocolate would hit me in my face, so i know i am completely face like chocolate. I've come to the conclusion that right now I'm craving for chocolates, but if someone could do it for me that would be great, its for free. I still have more chocolates with me just in case I would need them.

I just wait to close my eyes.

My mood: 7.5/10


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